Continuing the series of events of Dong A University during the "K23 Orientation Week," the Faculty of Pharmacy held an exciting and beneficial "Welcome to New Students of K23" session.
The sharing from the faculty leaders helped new pharmacy students understand more about the Education program (EP), the competencies they will achieve after completing the course, and the plan for implementing the EP, enabling each student to build a good study plan to achieve the desired competencies. Properly adhering to academic regulations, classroom etiquette, learning through the flipped classroom method, and self-study empowers students to actively create their own study plans.
🌿 Additionally, valuable insights from esteemed enterprises about career directions and essential skills required by employers helped students understand themselves and the professions they are pursuing, thus positioning and orienting their development in both study and future careers.
🌱 Above all, the event facilitated cultural and artistic exchanges between new students and current students, creating a healthy and dynamic playground for the new cohort. It strengthened the solidarity among students across different classes in the faculty, inspired students, and provided motivation and spirit for a successful new academic year.
A few impressive moments from the activity session: